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AI + Automation

We have worked in the research and implementation of systems with artificial intelligence seeking to automate complex processes.

Voice interface

We created voice-controlled bots to help people accomplish everyday tasks, such as controlling smart home devices.

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12th-13th March, 2024



13th March, 2024

Women 4.0 Encounter


11th March, 2024

Future Energy Summit


3rd-5th March, 2024

MWC Barcelona


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Future Energy Summit


Our team has expertise in diverse areas. Read our articles to learn from them.

Seamless Experiences Anywhere: The Rise of Offline Accessibility in Web Apps.

Written by Tomás Orozco

Unlocking seamless web experiences in low-connectivity areas is now a reality, thanks to offline accessibility technologies. From app caching and service workers to PWAs and local data sync, developers are reshaping the digital landscape.

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Building interfaces for people with disabilities: From Paper Concepts to Code Implementation

Written by Camila Del Río and Magdalena Belaustegui

Building accessible interfaces is a must for today’s market and user demands. That’s why our team keeps capacitating in accessibility standards to deliver 100% accessible digital products. Accessibility is a commitment embraced by the entire team.

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On AI, Ethics and the End of the Useful Internet

Written by Julián Fernández Valdés

AI provides humanity with huge benefits in our daily lives, but anybody can fall into the trap of assuming AI is a replacement for the boundless creativity of human beings. exploring the profound impact of AI on our lives and the challenges it brings.

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